Intel N3540 Benchmark
intel n3540 benchmark

intel n3540 benchmark

Comparative analysis of Intel Pentium N3540 and Intel Core i3-2105 processors for all known characteristics in the following categories: Essentials, Performance, Memory, Graphics, Graphics interfaces, Graphics API support, Compatibility, Peripherals, Security & Reliability, Advanced Technologies, Virtualization.Intel says Cherry Trail will deliver twice the graphics performance as its previous Atom chips. Intel Pentium N3540 vs Intel Core i3-2105. Burst auf 2.66 GHz hochtakten. Er taktet mit 2,16 GHz Basistakt und kann per Turbo bzw. Der Intel Pentium N3540 ist ein sparsamer Quad-Core-SoC aus dem Einstiegssegment. n3540 benchmark

Cherry Trail comes with technologies to support Intel’s depth-sensing RealSense 3D camera technology, which can measure distance and recognize objects. It might not be a lot of use right now, but Intel wants to make wireless charging as ubiquitous as WiFi, and its in talks with airports, cafes, hotels and other places to make it happen.Move over, 2D photography. That means you’ll be able to plop your device down on a special charging surface and not worry about plugging it in.

intel n3540 benchmark